Arthroscopic surgery performed by Dr Larry Findley and Dr Philip Appleton

Equine Dental

Arthroscopic surgery performed by Dr Larry Findley and Dr Philip Appleton

Equine Services
Delta Equine Center offers state of the art technology and skilled diagnosis for your animal health needs.
With the construction of a new facility in 2008, Delta Equine Center now provides a wider variety of horse health services. Using medical imagery from ultrasound, x-ray, and our very own "the 4th in the country" rotating MRI, our skilled veterinarians can quickly diagnose and effectively treat even the most specialized cases. Our facility features an equine surgical suite with two induction rooms, as well as two treatment exam rooms. Whether you have a high performance racehorse requiring Arthroscopic joint surgery or your beloved backyard companion needs immediate colic surgery, Delta Equine Center is equipped to handle your animal care needs.
Equine Surgery

Equine Lameness Exam
